I decided to stop making the QTSender Plugin but here's the last version of it. It's kinda the same as the v2.2 one except this time the nicknames always work. This plugin is going to die anyways so why shouldn't i give it a nice funeral.
I took some time making sure every version (v2.21/v2.21A/v2.21B/v2.21C) is totaly functional and i fixed up a installer (it's from setupstream ok?) that works fine.
You need to read the readme cause it's the only way to make sure you install it the right way. (more then one version as i mentioned before).
QTSender V2.21 Readme
by ēr@nK
QTSender v2.21 is made to work with Messenger Plus! 3.20.
There are 4 versions available:
+QTSender v2.21 - Full Version
+QTSender v2.21A - QTSender v2.21 without Quotes and nicknames
+QTSender v2.21B - QTSender v2.21 without Quiktexts and nicknames
+QTSender v2.21C - QTSender v2.21 without Quiktexts and Quotes
/xqtsender => shows information about QTSender.
/xqtsversion => shows the version and build information.
/xqt => shows all possible Quiktext catagory's.
/xq => Shows all possible Quote catagory's.
/xqt <catagory> => sends a Quiktext out of a certain catagory.(hello,bye ,insult,... + secret catagory (6 cat's in total))
/xq <catagory> => sends a Quote out of a certain catagory.(anger,brain,computers,... - work catagory deleted (23 cat's in total))
/xqtsnick => Change your nickname to a random one.(20 nicknames in database)
/xqtsversion => shows the version and build information.
/xqt => shows all possible Quiktext catagory's.
/xqt <catagory> => sends a Quiktext out of a certain catagory.(hello,bye ,insult,... + secret catagory (6 cat's in total))
/xqtsversion => shows the version and build information.
/xq => Shows all possible Quote catagory's.
/xq <catagory> => sends a Quote out of a certain catagory.(anger,brain,computers,... - work catagory deleted (23 cat's in total))
/xqtsversion => shows the version and build information.
/xqtsnick => Change your nickname to a random one.(20 nicknames in database)
Install Instructions:
Because all versions are named QTSender.dll you can only install one version.
Run Installer.exe and follow instructions till you reach the 'Components Selection' window.
Here are the explanations for each Component:
Required Files - installs: QTSender v2.21 Full Version.
Required Files A - installs: QTSender v2.21A
Required Files B - installs: QTSender v2.21B
Required Files C - installs: QTSender v2.21C
Untick all versions in installer except the one you want to install,
make sure there's only one version ticked else installer will crash.
Long readme this time isn't it...
I don't reccommend it but:
You can install for example version A and C by running the installer 2 times and the 2nd time pick another folder. In that folder rename it and move it to the plugins folder. Restart messenger and you can use /qt and /qtsnick.
i'm going to learn some installer scripting so i can make a better one for QTSender l8er (with the same version(s) though)
Wel please tell me what you think about it.
Nobody's coming to the funeral i gues