Not possible, in a sense that you can't change the font in a message for only certain words/characters. You can only change the font for the whole message.
Given this, there is another possebility though. You can use/create a "talker" for
StuffPlug-NG which uses the Messenger Plus! character codes to make the first letter bold (and in color if you wish). But this also means that your contacts need Messenger Plus! to be installed, otherwise they wont see the bold letter and only some weird characters... (note: I didn't tried this yet, so I don't know if Plus!-tags are reconized within a StuffPlug-NG talker, but I assume they are)
With such a StuffPlug-NG Talker, this will be what the contacts with Messenger Plus! will see:
Hello world..."
This will be what the contacts without Plus! will see:
"(!FB)(!FC4)H(!FR)ello world..."
"4Hello world"
To make this talker, create a file called "capital.vbs" in the StuffPlug-NG talker directory and put this inside the file:
Function talker(input)
If input = "" Then
talker = ""
talker = "(!FB)(!FC4)" & Left(Trim(input), 1) & "(!FR)" & Mid(Trim(input), 2)
End If
End Function
Edited by Chrono: Cookie th3 n00b doesnt know how to use bbcode
Edited by Cookie: What? Who? Where?