O.P. RE: MSN msger not working-virus? help me!
I have no viruses left on my computer! WOO!
but when i press right click on the blue stripe on the bottom, and then Task Manager, and then i go to Process, there are sometimes even 50 prosecces, like my scanner or printer is working, but they shouldnt be, because they are not pluged in. or stuff like:
Gnk2.exe, SYSMD.EXE, IW.EXE, ezSP_Px.exe, ATIPTAXX.EXE, QTTASK.EXE, WKSSB.EXE are running, and i dont know if they are important to end, or are they jst infected files. i only know that in Process thingy, should only be no more than 10 itmes running!
and even if i removed all viruses, my internet still won't let me sign to msn or sign in to messnger. i downloaded it yesterday twice. and i had to unistal it twice, so right now, theres no messenger on my comp.
but i cannot log in to hotmail, to read my emails, and i cant even order things from the net. everytime when i go on hotmail.com, type in my pass and email, it ither says taht the pass is wrong or the page cannot be displyed. but i can sign in on other computers, school for example, where i sign in everyday, so i know that the account isnt deleted.
does gotta do something with cookies? or possibly you know?