It works fine for people that understand what it is doing. Not one beta tester (out of 30) had troubles with Plus! but actually commented on how good Plus! compatibility was. I think the people having issues are seeing behaviour that they normally wouldn't see and call it weird. MessengerDiscovery just doesn't make up contacts going offline. Like I said, it would be under a circumstance that MessengerDiscovery detects and not Plus! due to Plus! running on the Messenger API and its' events. It's simply because the API events differs to stop 'bugs'.
Client receives a "FLN". Messenger API checks if that contact is online, if is then calls the API function UserChangeStatus (or what ever it's called). MessengerDiscovery sees the FLN and alerts anyway.
I can't put it any more simple than that.
Jessica, you would be making a mistake in uninstallling it because
there is no real problem. In fact you wouldend up geting no information about what is REALLY going on
