Originally posted by blade
The price won't drop Halo 1 has cost $55 since it was released in 2001
Originally posted by blade
It's the collector's edition.
$80 Canadian Funds
$67 US Funds
51 Euros
You may want to look around a bit. Prices drop all the time, even for just published games. And stores don't sell them all by the same price also...
eg: (all xbox versions)
On Amazon.com
Limited Edition Halo 2: $54.99 US
Normal Edition Halo 2: $44.99 US
Normal Edition Halo 1: $25.99 US
On Amazon.co.uk
Normal Edition Halo 2: $59.40 US
On Nedgame.com
Normal Edition Halo 2: $71.30 US
On Proxis
Limited Edition Halo 2: $81,63 US
Normal Edition Halo 2: $68.66 US
Normal Edition Halo 1: $75.14 US
etc... etc...
BIG TIP: If you're not a hardcore fan or you can not afford the money, look elsewhere in other stores and/or wait a bit, prices will vary much! Ordering something in backorder on the first occasion/site or store you visit, is almost always a bad idea and you will have spend too much money in the end... Stores know this also (that people want something instantly without waiting or looking around) and of course will sell it for a very high price.