Originally posted by serpico
I don't speak spanish is it free how do I sign up?
Yeah, it's free. It has unlimited bandwidth and FTP access.
But if you don't speak Spanish, it'll be kind of hard to sign up, cuz it's a very tricky and long process.
You could try to use Google Translator, maybe it'll help you.
I dunno any hosting in English that has at least 90MB of space, sorry. :\
Originally posted by Demandred
why free? for a free Hosting your not gonna get Great reliable hosting, if you can afford the internet surely you can afford to pay for a decent Hosting service,
Yeah, I learnt that the hard way. Now I couldn't get a free hosting, most of them are very limited, are down 50% of the time, have lots of ads, etc, etc, etc.
It's not so expensive to pay for hosting, since you have a LOT of ways to pay, and to choose from.