hey I made a little thing when i was bored, to block ppl. just want someone to make a plugin if they think it is a good idea.
well i used the quick text with this in it
MsN Alert Block/Deleted
#1#Have a good day (!N) , #1#/xmews citytime toronto xmews gets time and displays it
#1#/block (!M)
can someone make a script that says deleting/block blah blah then tell em to have a good day with there name, then says deletion date/time : acurate time.... and day not from computer..... then blocks... make it possible to block and delete or just block...
i used this too much alredy try it out, makes u have powa!
i believe he means 66 people have read the thread but not replied
EDIT: btw i think its a bit useless to bother coding something like that!
why not just use the quicktext you have? why do you need something so perfect just to block people
This post was edited on 03-04-2005 at 06:16 AM by Chestah.