Does anyone know some good and stable, public BitTorrent Trackers similar to, where you can set up your own BitTorrent Tracker and upload your own torrents ?
And for those who don't know what a BitTorrent Tracker is
Originally posted by definition of "Tracker"
A server on the Internet that acts to coordinate the action of BitTorrent clients. When you open a torrent, your machine contacts the tracker and asks for a list of peers to contact. Periodically throughout the transfer, your machine will check in with the tracker, telling it how much you've downloaded and uploaded, how much you have left before finishing, and the state you're in (starting, finished download, stopping.) If a tracker is down and you try to open a torrent, you will be unable to connect.
Note: I won't use it for illeagal purposes and BitTorrent isn't illegal either, ergo no conflicts with forum rules as long as this stays ontopic