Sorry that my first post is a possible bug, think that MSG Plus is generally great!
I used the e-mail notification feature to check e-mail arriving into my account (which has IMAP4 and POP3 portals). However all my e-mail prior to using this feature has disappeared (as if downloaded and deleted using a standard POP client in default behaviour).
The (abusive, condescending and confrontational
) IT tech who I contacted about this problem pointed to the POP server logs and blamed messenger plus. He also claimed that he installed it and it did the same thing to his e-mail.
Is there a known incompatibility? This has not happened every time the feature has connected to my account. From what little I know of POP, you have to specifically issue the "DELE" command to delete the mail, does this happen in Messenger Plus?
I use MSN Messenger Beta 7.0.0425
Messenger Plus Beta 3.40.112 Beta
Windows XP SP2
Thanks to Patchou for a great and fun programme