I just registered to post on this post here..
This is my thoughts on what ghosts are..
Ghost in my theory are this.. people who are stuck in time on either a fucked up death.. such as murder, bad accident or some shit like that.. or are waiting for someone.. like wife waiting for husband, or someone who is attached to something in this world, or someone who dont know they are dead...
case in point on a few of those...
Gettysburg Pa, a site of one of the major civil war battles of our time.. people more than 100 have stated time and time again where they have a area where the war was fought seeing, smelling, hearing shit that happened back then...
Now we can chalk this up as a bunch of idiots if they were all people from say.. a delverance type look or something.. but most of these people are upstanding citizens.. such as bankers, police, and shit like that..
thats the bad death part..
next murder..
i think a person who is killed lets say my g/f's brother..
who was shot and killed in 99
I believe that that person, if they dont realize they are dead, repeat over and over and over and over again what happen to them minutes, or hrs of shit they did up intill they died
now, you have to remember thier minues and our minutes are completely diffrent..
have you ever notcied when u wake up.. then goto sleep and dream.. it felt like hrs.. only to see the clock and realize it was only like 5 minutes??
that is the same area where dead people are..
anyway thats what i think..
Originally posted by Tasha
Not gonna call you narrow-minded Segosa, but..
Ever considered Science can be wrong? I'm not saying ghosts exist or not.. actually, i'm pretty sure they do, as do 'other life forms'. But if it is proved, then I would believe they don't exist.
tbh, I still don't believe you can photograph it though.. they all look photoshopped to me.. Just like I don't believe anyone has ever photographed a real UFO.
And maybe the mind can create such things. Well, it can, but you can't tell me that over a (maybe) quarter of the world imagine ghosts..
Science can't prove or disprove anything abnormal totally.. They can think they do, they can research so much, but they are sure to have missed something by accident.
You are a bit narrow-minded to believe that humans and animals are the only life forms though..
* Tasha hopes she hasn't annoyed Segosa, and is just pointing her opinion out, and doesn't want an arguement.
Actually alot of people believe that science is the all might god in how we all live, so in other words, people who believe that ghosts exist are considered crazy, insane, stupid, or whatever..
Unfortunately most people think like Segosa.. but in reality Science can easily be disproved as much as proved, I will take a few cases that they are fighting about now..
Calcuim, we have been told its stuppost to help us get stronger, in reality a run in the park or something can do the same thing..
Darwin Theory, Alot of scientists today believe that the Darwin theory in fact never happened, i will get proof on this later but there is a big debate about it now on whether to change sceince book to something else.
Remote Viewing, This has been proven to be very effective, yet science states it isnt real... I guess thats why the US and Russia an Remote Veiwing Program going back in the 70's and 80's..
Anyway I like to chalk people like Segosa up to thinking inside the box, they will sit there and continuiously swear that science is the all mightly bible, and yet they are considered to be wrong on alot of cases...