Can Anyone Help?
As suggested in The title the Philips DVD-/+R/RW combo drive in my Dell Dimension 3000 PC won't read a multisession CD that i burned with my previous PC.
I have a CD containing or Digital JPEG photo's and as they didnt fill the CD i previously just bruned to a session and closed the session but not the CD so that i could add more file to it at a later date.
However, now my new Dell Dimension with the Philips 8631 DVD Re-Writer Combo drive will not read CD's written in multiple sessions. When i put it into the drive, it just scans the CD....and scans.....and scans....and scans....and scans, contanatly until i reboot the PC.
This is the response we got after contacting Dell about the problem:
If the problem is specific to reading DATA CDs with multiple
sessions then there is nothing much I can do. I can only assist
in you checking the hardware functionality of the DVDRW drive.
It is able to read and write Normal CDs (Not a multi session)
then the Drive is working fine.
I dont believe him unfortunately.
I've tried to contact Philips on their website but they want you to enter the model number of the product but when i enter DVD8631, it is not recognised.
Any help PLEASE!!!!!!