RE: StuffPlug-NG 2.1 Released
I'm not gonna say this is stuffplug related or not, but I was havin some really weird computer probs, which is not normal for me, lol, and that was after I reinstalled the latest MSN Messenger 7 leak. I was usin the latest StuffPlug version too. Anyways, my comp had finally quit working properly, as in a main user profile file somehow got corrupted. Thats was a couple days ago. Anyways, after gettting it to work again, I still seemed to have weird problems. I started disabling plugins, well all except for StuffPlug, as it's the only one that kinda works with the latest Messenger 7, and I still had weird issues. After disabling StuffPlug, my comp is running awsome again, lol.
Like I said, I'm not stating that StuffPlug is to blame or not though.
I'm runnin XP Pro, latest MSN Messenger 7 version, and latest Messenger Plus! version.