Originally posted by Segosa
(CyBeRDuDe), any chance you can list some of the main APIs you use to do this? I wanna look them up 
Secrects and Magic!!


Not ATM, later...

Originally posted by çr@nK
* çr@nK sits back and waits...
sounds like another amazing plugin is in the making...
I still want to make you an installer if you need one though i guess you can do it yourself...
About the installer:
Hmm.. You are welcome to make me a decent installer.. But it needs to fullfill some criterias..
- I need to be able to add my own files to it
- Extrating files
- Registrying files
- Add other various registry values
- Shutting Down MSN Messenger (Normally, and Taskkill if normal shutdown fails, altso support for closing Tabbed Conversation when closing normally to prevent loss of log if Taskkill needs to be executed)
- Starting MSN Messenger
- Uninstaller
- GUI, Interface, Pictures, texts, etc...
- A Homemade installer would be best, not some NSIS or Inno because they cannot do these tasks
If you can fullfill all these criteria then I would be more than happy to use a installer you make for me (and of course give you all the Credit you want)..

.. I can do all this my self, I just don't have time on my hands..