Originally posted by oysterlee
I want to hack my own messenger. I mean, I want other people to see my conversation (both sides) in real time. I can give him my IP, my password and whatever is needed to do so. Is there a way? I am sure that there is a way, since I have heard about hacking messenger conversations. I want to make clear that I do not want to do nothing ilegal. The only thing I want is to let other person to monitor my conversation in real time.
i don't think there is a way to do that. just as there is no legal way to keep track of your contacts conversations.
for others to be able to see what you have typed and sent to your contacts you would all have to be together in a group convo.
the messeges get stored on your hard-drive.. so unless you mean for somebody to have acces to your computer and chat-log file in real time.. you can't do it.
Edit: i may be wrong with this so somebody correct me, but i don't think i am
Edit 2: you could simply send your contact your chat log