On Friday at my school, we had athletics day.
This year, my house,
Williams, were going for the title for the 3rd year in a row!
We had already won the swimming carnival earlier in the year for the 3rd time in 3 years and the teachers were just getting sick of Williams house winning all the time. So the 5 other house leaders decided to start putting all their best students in the events.
1 week before the athletics day my house leader was talking about the trophy engravements to the other house leaders...he told them to engrave it with
Williams 2005 already so they didn't waste their time
So this year was really important for us to win, we had to win not only for ourselves, but for our house leader (and of course to stick it up the other houses
This year i was in 6 events
Tunnel ball
Williams house was coming 2nd for most of the day, then after the disaster in the tunnel ball events we dropped to third. At this stage, my house leader and the students in Williams house really didn't think we were going to win this year.
Then, 20 minutes later i found out from my house leader that Williams house was leading, but it was close. This put some pressure on me to win the 200m.
I won the 200m (Woot!) but then we had the relays and we did pretty average in them and we were scared that another house had beaten us
We sat down in our areas, waiting anxiousely to see who had won...we weren't so confident, all the other teachers had smiles on their faces...
After 20 minutes of us sitting in the heat, with butterfly's in our stomache, they added up the scores...
Girls agrigrate - Williams 1st!
We all started cheering, the other houses looking at us giving us smug looks, but of course we hadn't won yet...
Then, the principal read out...
Boys agrigate - Williams 1st!
This meant we had won! We went crazy, this win was sweet! We'd won once again...this was by far the best out of all our wins!
But then it was time for the individual medals. They were given out in Gold, Silver and Bronze, for Girls and Boys of each year level
It got to the year 9 boys, the principal read out that 3 boys had come equal first...
Then he called my name!!! WOOT!
i was so excited
I ran:
7th in the 1500 for year 9's
1st in the 100m for year 9's
1st in the 200m for the year 9's
2nd in the 400m for the year 10's
6th in the 800 for the year 9's
and my team came last in tunnel ball
I wasn't expecting to get a medal at all! It was just an awesome day
Sorry the posts a bit long