Originally posted by meandor
If i select the Translation
Originally posted by meandor
to translate it into dutch
to translate what?
Originally posted by meandor
would be the whole forum translated into dutch for me.
or I sit wrongly
these forums?
please, could you specify a bit more what you're talking about.
If you talk about Plus, you can select dutch as its language interface, and you'll see all its windows, buttons, texts, etc... in dutch. It you meant the forums, sorry, but you can't translate them.
Originally posted by Ezra
But I don't think this forum had other languages, and if i'm wrong, where can i select it ?
no, it hasn't. This forums uses (a modified copy of) MyBB RC2, which can't be translated. In MyBB RC4 and newer, you can choose the board interface in the
usercp (of course, you can choose only from the installed languages)