click at the handwriting sent, copy it by Ctrl-C,
then it will be automatically saved to this exe's current folder,
with then name of current contact and index.
After saved, the image in clipboard will be cleared.
If you want to paste to other application,
click "Copy" to copy current image."
.....obviously a translation from traditional chinese
its just a ctrl-c thing..may was well save it as richtext and paste into the document(word). i would need to copy my ink and my contacts ink for the convo to make sence in history( may as well use screenshot sender and take pics of the convo). regarding the van gouh remark(which was funny lol) i said i use a stylo,u kno the writting pens for computer, alot on msn.
The link is talking about the creation of ink messages mostly ive read that before.
...again thx for suggestion lol