Well i got this from one of my friends (with full headers):
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Originating-IP: [xxx.xxx.xxx.xx]
X-Originating-Email: [xxx@hotmail.com]
X-Sender: xxx@hotmail.com
Received: from by by15fd.bay15.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP;Sat, 16 Apr 2005 11:43:28 GMT
Unser hotmailsystem beginnt voll zu sein. Wir haben das
Sie dies wenigstens an 20 Personen senden. Ich weiß, dass dies
eine große
Zahl ist, aber wir müssen aufdecken, wer wirklich ihr
benutzt. Wenn Sie dies nicht wenigstens an 10 Mitglieder
von Hotmail
senden, werden wir Ihr Konto löschen. Nehmen Sie diese
Aufforderung nicht
so einfach hin, denn einige Konten sind bereits gelöscht
worden !
Ihr Hotmail-Team
Ruffly Translated it says:
Our Hotmail System is becomming full. We have the alowence that you must send this email to 20 People. I know it is a big number but we need to find out if you (and others) are using your account. If you do not send it to at least 10 people then we will delete your account... Do not take this email as a Joke, some accounts have been deleted already....
1. I doubt that this is true because. a) How the fuck (sorry for the language) will they know if you have sent it to 20 other hotmail users... b) They have a few mistakes in the email... c) How can hotmail be "full"?!?
2. I signed up for an English account... (well the email is from someone who speaks german...
3. Wouldn't Hotmail send it to each and every single user? I mean they already check to see if we are using Outlook too much.
Well what do you all think?
Joke or Real
Thnx for your help in advanced...
(Edited out email addresses)