I wrote a talker for StuffPlug so that you can send files that are potentially dangerous to people who haven't patched their msn OR have Stuffplug NG to allow them.
1) It works by copying the file to a temporary directory (you can change)
2) Adding a SECOND FILE EXTENSION (you can change this too, default is
.txt) to the file
3) Send file
4) Send Instructions (you can change this too)
Make sure you have
StuffPlug-NG by TheBlasphemer (thanks btw, awesome plugin!) AND
Messenger Plus! by Patchou (thanks to you too!)
Then copy and paste the following code (making any changes you like) into notepad or a text editor and save as
talker.mfblock.vbs to the
StuffPlug-NG\Talkers directory (probably
C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 3\Plugins\StuffPlug-NG\Talkers)
Dim fso, NewName, newFile, message, newExt
' MSN Messenger 7 Potential Unsafe File Sender by Improfane
' Please don't remove these comments
' Uses: Stuffplug NG AND Messenger Plus
' Save as talker.mfblock.vbs and Place in the StuffPlug-NG\Talkers\
' Probably "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 3\Plugins\StuffPlug-NG\Talkers" but depends where you installed it
' You can customise below:
tempFileDir = "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 3\Temp Sent Files\"
newExt = ".txt"
' tempFileDir is where the file to be sent is put temporary to be renamed
' newExt is the extension that the file will be sent as
' message is a message with instructions on how to open it once received
' Use /xtalk mfblock <filepath> to send a file, for example: to send C:\Music.mp3 you'd type /xtalk mfblock C:\Music.mp3
' For ease of use I'd make it a Quick Text using parameters: /xtalk mfblock (!P)
Function talker( iFile )
Set fso= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (fso.FolderExists( tempFileDir ) = False) Then fso.CreateFolder (tempFileDir)
If (fso.FileExists( iFile )) Then
Set iFile = fso.GetFile(iFile)
message = "#:) Rename this file " & iFile.Name & " when you receive it to use it!"
NewName = tempFileDir & iFile.Name & newExt
iFile.Copy NewName , True
Set newFile = fso.GetFile(NewName)
talker = "/dropfile " & newFile.Path & vbCrLf & message
End If
End Function
' Debug by return: msgbox ( talker("C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 3\Plugins\StuffPlug-NG\Talkers\Howto.txt") )
When it is in the Talkers directory, you can start using it!
/xtalk mfblock <filepath> to send the file at filepath
This is tedious so make a quick text:
/xtalk mfblock (!P)
Yes, I know renaming it manually might be faster than all this (getting the file path) but wheres the fun in that?
EDIT: To those who didn't get me, please take a look at the attached screenshot.
EDIT: Okay that picture wasn't the best example, heres another me and my friend posed for - for some reason mp3 files are 'potentially dangerous' -
EDIT:Talk about typo, my friend began talking when I tried to take the picture so I cut and paste the old text into the text box - and its the wrong file path in the picture so ignore that.
EDIT: Fixed.
Bugs, suggestions and ideas are welcome.
~ Improfane