O.P. MSN Messenger 7.0.0814
A new, internal, MSN Messenger build appeared on the web not too long ago, carrying build number 814. It is clearly a big improvement over the “final” of the 7th version of MSN Messenger. It signs in faster, not to mention loads up a whole lot faster as well and scrolling through your contactlist is a lot smoother too (especially when enabling large thumbnails).
But that’s not all - A couple of new features and options appeared in the new build as well. First of there will probably be an option to disable the restriction on file extensions, good news for those who regulary want to receive files which are being blocked by the client. Second, there is a new button in conversation windows called “Promote buddy”. What this will do isn’t exactly known yet, but our bet is on either MSN Messenger content promotion or a sort of ranking system for your buddies. Finally, a new button for “Always on top” appeared in the contact list window when viewing it without toolbar.
Edit by Fraisie: link to download removed.
This post was edited on 04-22-2005 at 03:08 PM by Fraisie.