Is anyone getting the same problem as me?
Every nown and again my MSN Messenger 7.0.0777 just disappears!
I'm just minding my own business, chatting away and it just all closes down. Most of the time it doesn't evan come up with a send error report window aswell. It's starting to really bug me! Is this just a thing with MSN Messenger 7 at the moment and how many of you are having this problem? Or is it something to do with my computer and the programs I'm running?
I am currently running:
MSN Messenger 7.0.0777
Messenger Plus! 3.52.130
StuffPlug Next Generation 2.2.47
Screenshot Sender 3.555
Colour Nick Version 2
File Transfer Plus
Block All Contacts By CyBeRDuDe
Thanks for any help