Thanks for the compliment Hilikus!
I'm thinking about changing the way BotDK works a little. Actually I think it would be even nicer if you could turn MsgPlus! plugins into auto-responders or bots using BotDK.
My idea is to make BotDK a DLL which you can redistribute with your MsgPlus! plugin. In your MsgPlus! plugin you would need to create an object which implements BotDK's IPlugin (as it's called now) interface (in VB/C# .NET plugins you can just let the MsgPlus! plugin object implement BotDK's IPlugin interface as well). Then the MsgPlus! plugin would need to register that object with the BotDK DLL, which will then generate the callbacks on the IPlugin interface.
This way, the features of MsgPlus! and BotDK can be combined into one MsgPlus! plugin.
Please tell me what you think about this idea (I hope I've been able to explain myself properly and understandably).