Sorry for the double post btw...
I've been trying to make a vb plugin today, but I won't seem to work
Remember I don't know much of vb
Public Function Initialize(ByVal nVersion As Long, ByVal sUserEmail As String, ByVal oMessenger As Object) As Boolean
Initialize = True
End Function
Public Function Uninitialize()
End Function
Public Function Configure()
MsgBox "Plugin van Ezra" + vbLf + "Author: Ezra", vbOKOnly, "Ezra"
End Function
Public Function GetPublishInfo(ByRef sPluginName As String, ByRef nCommandCount As Long, ByRef nTagCount As Long) As Boolean
sPluginName = "Ezra's Plugin"
nCommandCount = 1
nTagCount = 0
GetPublishInfo = True
End Function
Public Function GetPublishCommandInfo(ByVal nCommandIdx As Long, ByRef sName As String, ByRef sValue As String, ByRef sHelp As String)
If (nCommandIdx = 1) Then
sName = "Schrijf me naam"
sValue = "xezra"
sHelp = "Schrijf me naam"
End If
End Function
Public Function ParseCommand(ByVal sCommand As String, ByVal sCommandArg As String, ByVal oConversationWnd As Object, ByRef sResult As String) As Boolean
If (StrComp(LCase(sCommand), "/xezra", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
sResult = "Mijn naam is Ezra"
ParseCommand = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function