I just wanted to try this out to create a alarm clock plugin for Messenger Plus but I couldn't even try the sample's!
I downloaded the API Samples and opened the MPAdvPluginVB in my Visual Basic .NET and compiled it.. no problem
I copyed the dll to the Messenger Plus! Plugins directory together with the Interop dll.
After that I registered the dll with regasm and added a new entry to the RegistredPlugins key, Name: MPAdvPluginVB.dll Value: MPAdvPluginVB.Sample
Yea I read the documentation and I think I did everything right..
BUT: The Messenger Plus! doens't show my Plugin in the Plugin list!!
Any idea what could be wrong?? Please helpI am stupid
Sorry for the post, i got it! It doesn't require the project but the namespace name. MPAdvPluginNET.Sample and it works
Haha... okay... good thing you found out what was wrong... But could you please share the plug in ... haha... I've been wanting a plug-in that would serve as an alarm clock for ages... I just never got around to requesting it.