Originally posted by qgroessl
I think I'll stick with hotmail
... and if nothing else... my school has email there too... and they don't seem to want to delete people out of the database after they've graduated or moved or anything... They have some people that haven't been in school for like 3 years
so I think I'm safe using that one for a long time yet.
i cant use hotmail in school, my stupid new head of it bastard block all sites that were linked to messenger programs, including mess.be so i have to use gmail, he thinks if we have hotmail in school all we will do is chat, asswipe. he wants us to use the crappy chool acounts that are moniterd by people and are crap and have a .5mb atachment limit and suck and he knows nothing about anything, he has to have the technitions help him all the time and hes an ass, an i hope to god he doesnt teach computing next year. and i hope he dies. and loses his pathetic stutter that keeps us behind before luch while he attepmts to talk.
any way yay gmail