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Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
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RE: Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
Originally posted by Vilkku
Now, I haven't read any posts so I might not be the forst one with this...
I think Harry is the 7th horcrux. IMO it all makes sense, can't rally explain, I just think it's him.
Now, sorry if someone posted this already.

i doubt that very much.... i doubt you could have a soul in a person, and then a part of comeone elses soul in you as well, it just wouldnt work, even if it is in a book

This post was edited on 08-01-2005 at 08:36 AM by lordy.
08-01-2005 08:30 AM
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RE: Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
I already thought that it would be Regulas but I forgot about the locket. But surely if that was it then it would have been a bit more significant in the 5th book :/
08-01-2005 08:30 AM
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RE: Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
Originally posted by ajd
I already thought that it would be Regulas but I forgot about the locket. But surely if that was it then it would have been a bit more significant in the 5th book :/

i dont think so... JKR adds these things in very cleverly!! you hafta b paying alot of attention to pick this stuff up
08-01-2005 08:33 AM
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RE: Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
Originally posted by ajd
But surely if that was it then it would have been a bit more significant in the 5th book :/

No i don't think she would've wanted to give anything away in the 5th that could have been blatently given away in the 6th book, before she would have even released the 7th...

She would have just seen it as an opportunity to mention it and link it later, i don't think that she'd have thought that many people would have figured it out....

Originally posted by lordy16
i dont think so... JKR adds these things in very cleverly!! you hafta b paying alot of attention to pick this stuff up


This post was edited on 08-01-2005 at 09:58 AM by J.J.
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08-01-2005 08:38 AM
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RE: Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
maybe rab doesnt exist, it may be a nickname only
It is more than posible that RAB he/she is already dead and we will know what is of him
maybe he is dead and we wont see anything of him again
thats my theory
i think jk will make the endin something very very very obvious that we didnt notice*-)

This post was edited on 08-02-2005 at 01:28 AM by Voldemort.
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
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08-01-2005 11:27 PM
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RE: Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
can the killed dumbledore be a magical clone?
maybe it wasnt dumbledore someone else drank polijuice of him..(not likely)
question ! if you die while you are polyjuiced, will you die as the person you morphed to or as yourself?(as you always are)??
thats troubling me now
i cant wait 4 book 7 ....
Maybe RAB is stil alive and will help harry with voldy , as to supply dumby(lol)dore...
as once i heard someone clever, but up to now stupid say
"I have many theories, and all of them as unlikely as each other "8-) undefinedor something like that8-)....

This post was edited on 08-02-2005 at 01:36 AM by Voldemort.
08-01-2005 11:28 PM
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RE: Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
Originally posted by damm-o
if you die while you are polyjuiced, will you die as the person you morphed to or as yourself?

Well eventually the polyjuice will ware off...so even if you did die while in the middle of being transformed, later your body will change back

Originally posted by damm-o
maybe rab doesnt exist, it may be a nickname only

Maybe, but they look more like initials :tongue:

Originally posted by damm-o
It is more than posible that RAB he/she is already dead and we will know what is of him

Well in the note it says 'I know that i will be dead long before you hear this'

Although knowing JK, anything is possible...maybe he isn't dead...

But also JK said that it's to easy for Harry to do things with people who can help him, so thats why shes killed off Dumbledore and Sirius...

I doubt that R.A.B will be alive to help Harry, I think Harry will do most of it on his own, with a little help from Ron and Hermione and some other people here and there...

P.S - Sirius said that he never knew what happened to his brother, only that he was said to be murdered by Voldermort...

Maybe...Regulus still is alive...we'll just have to wait and see :grin:

This post was edited on 08-02-2005 at 05:47 AM by J.J.
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08-02-2005 05:46 AM
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RE: Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
To the Dark Lord
I know thay i will be dead long before you read this
but i want you to know that it was i who discovered your secret.
I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as i can. I face death in hope that when you meet your match,
you will be mortal once more.


Voldy Lordy hasnt seen it
Regulus is the conclusion we got, but it could or could not been him...
It may be his nicknames initials could be , couldnt it? it may be mid-name or last name letters..
i think JKR will do hp7s plot with something too obvious or new for us to know .... i think regulus is dead , i think somewhere said his Dead body was found
maybe the person who drank polyjuice to be dumbledore had an extra lasting potion, or maybe Mcgonagall(or someone close to dumbydore, maybe... snape!, hagrid!, i dunno... maybe my brain is screwed of too much thinking, it overheated and exploded) knew about this and gave the dead person more polyjuice for him to look as dumbledore...
i be here waiting 2 years, with my crazy , mad, and screwed up theories lol...im confused
Well lets start the  countdown
about 730 days left.........very very few

This post was edited on 08-02-2005 at 08:37 PM by Voldemort.
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
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08-02-2005 08:25 PM
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RE: Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
alright Im gonna clear up a few things
1. Dumbledore is dead otherwise his portrait would not have appeared in the office
2. Portraits cant think like the original person [as stated in the book]
3.Malfoy is a death eater [all the facts point to it]
4. Harry Cannot be a horcrux because it has to be implmented in a special way once the person is DEAD
5. Harry already said he wasnt going back to school
6. Harry will not die in the 7th book [J.K Rowling said so]
7. She will be killing others in book number 7 [she said so]
8. She said she MAY make more than seven books but doesnt promise anything
9. R.A.B already broke that Horcruz by the looks of it
10. my theory:

R.A.B is Regulus, Sirius will come back because somehow being an animagus made him have to lives, same as James Potter but Voldemort was very strong and was able to kill them both in one shot. Dumbledore is really dead however he left his trails there to help harry.

11. [fact] harry is going to go threw alot of troubles in the next book [J.K Rowling said so]

If I can remember anything else I will post

[ who posted on mugglenet? Ive been getting some facts from their interview with Johanne]
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08-03-2005 03:43 AM
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RE: Harry Potter 6 ending, Don't come in if you haven't read it!
Originally posted by lou_habs
alright Im gonna clear up a few things
1. Dumbledore is dead otherwise his portrait would not have appeared in the office

Of course hes dead. Hes as human as the rest of us.

Originally posted by lou_habs
2. Portraits cant think like the original person [as stated in the book]

WHERE exactly is that stated in the book? ^o)

Originally posted by lou_habs
3.Malfoy is a death eater [all the facts point to it]

Way to go with stating the obvious, Einstein. :tongue:

Originally posted by lou_habs
4. Harry Cannot be a horcrux because it has to be implmented in a special way once the person is DEAD

Nope, it is possible Harry COULD be a Horcrux, Voldemort could have made him one after he killed someone ELSE. Although, I do not believe Harry is a Horcrux. I mean, Voldemort would have to be reliant on something that isn't in his control. And what if harry got killed? And why would Voldemort always be trying to kill Harry, if he was a Horcrux? It would be killing yourself.

Originally posted by lou_habs
5. Harry already said he wasnt going back to school

He most probably will. He has no idea where the object of Ravenclaw's is, so why not start at the school, tracing what it could be. And you think he wouldn't want to talk to Dumbledore's portrait, or visit Dumbledore's grave?

Originally posted by lou_habs
6. Harry will not die in the 7th book

He may die, he may not. She may change her mind between now and then that Harry shall die. Writers change things all the time.

Originally posted by lou_habs
7. She will be killing others in book number 7

Most definetely. Voldemort is bound to kill others. 8-)

Originally posted by lou_habs
8. She said she MAY make more than seven books but doesnt promise anything

Then why is the 6th book known as the penultimate, and even she has said it is? (Second from last.)

Originally posted by lou_habs
9. R.A.B already broke that Horcruz by the looks of it

"I have stolen the Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can."
Regulas died within days of leaving Voldemorts side. He may not have had a chance to actually destroy it.

Originally posted by lou_habs
Sirius will come back because somehow being an animagus made him have to lives, same as James Potter but Voldemort was very strong and was able to kill them both in one shot. Dumbledore is really dead however he left his trails there to help harry.

Ok.. Let me get this straight.
SIRIUS IS NOT COMING BACK FROM THE DEAD AND NOR IS DUMBLEDORE. Being an animagnus has nothing to do with having extra lives. Maybe if you are a cat, becuase cats are said to have nine lives, but I doubt even someone who is a cat animagnus will come back from the dead. Just think about it. They may be magical, but that doesnt stop them dieing the same way we do. Look at Dumbledore, the greatest wizard ever. He's dead, isn't he. You would think, being the greatest wizard ever, he would live, somehow, he could still be alive, but no - he is still human, he can still die.

Originally posted by lou_habs
11. [fact] harry is going to go threw alot of troubles in the next book

Again, way to state the obvious, Einstein. :tongue:
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry,
but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
08-03-2005 10:41 AM
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