I just added a little nephew of mine to my list, and he immediately started to show all of his custom smilies...
All those ugly flashing-all-over-my-screen smilies....
so I decided I wanted to disable custom smilies, and that I just wanted to see the standard MSN messenger smilies, no more, no less...
And I noticed I couldn't get it to work... I disabled 'Show custom smilies' at 'tools>options>messages' (3rd tab, don't know exactly, I'm using dutch messenger)
And when I shutdown MSGPlus it works fine... but somehow, when I start MSGPlus, and this kiddo throws another smilie at me, this option is enabled again, and the smilie IS shown....
how on earth can I disable it without disabling MSGplus
and offcourse I'm using all the latest software :]]