I can't wait for Perfect Dark: Zero on the Xbox 360 either it is going to be amazing... One thing that I will be buying, though, is Final Fantasy XI, but only if you don't have to pay monthly for it online, because 360 comes with the Live Silver package, which you don't have to pay for... I just hope to god that it will allow multiplayer games and not only crappy map downloads...
As for Final Fantasy games, I really am not sure about them, I only played on FF7, 8 & 10... The only reason I didn't get into them is because for 7, I was too young and didn't understand it... On 8, my mate was nagging me all the way through it about where to go, so I just turned it off, and on 10, I only played the first part on a demo, but I loved it all the same!!!
Some people are lame about Final Fantasy though... They take it to the extreme, and bum every aspect of it, buying the soundtrack, and going to conventions dressed as Squall etc...
There is a really funny flash animation about this:
Chocobo Robo Voice, enjoy.