Originally posted by mwe99
Personally I haven't faced that, over MSN I have though
thats very odd, i dont't really understand how someone can put pressure on you over the internet, unless he has something on you ofcourse.
as for answering the topic:
well, many a time dugs area useful thing, people can overdose on cough medicine, but doesn't mean that it has its beneficial qualities. Same goes with anything, if you are doing something legitimate, and not something that is grown in ones backyard or in their bathtub, then there is a likely chance that it wont hurt you, if you use it in moderation. Mind you, even today, alcohol is grown in the backyards and many a time they dont know the slight difference bewteen ethanol and alcohol (it gets converted that way, if not done properly), thus proving my statement. Drugs can also have other beneficial purposes, here in canada, we allow the use of medicinal marijuana for terminal ilnesses, it eases the terrible pain of their ailments. Thus what im trying to say is that, not all drugs are bad. Just think about it logically before you go out and do something stupid.
seriously though, have never been pressured into doing that sort of thing.