Limiting access for kids |
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O.P. Limiting access for kids
Hi....very, very new at this, sorry...
We have a huge problem with a 12year old girl and msn in general....she is running a muck with chat rooms and creating new passports etc. her mother has tried tracking her messages but she has found how to fix that....and it has got worse since MsgPlus because she has now encrypted the log etc. and passworded her msn so her mother can't get in....
Q: HELP!!!! her mother tries to police her and keep an eye on her, has at times banned her, but when her backs turned she is on again....short of uninstalling msn and throwing computer out window is there any security option available to limit her use on msn or messenger....
The mother has created childs own computer ID with limited use but this does not stop the child from accessing all the preferences on msn and changing anything or downloading stuff to it or accessing chat rooms....please tell us there is security available out there somewhere to limit this childs use...
This post was edited on 09-08-2005 at 08:04 AM by packagedeal.
09-08-2005 08:01 AM |
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RE: Limiting access for kids
jeez that doesnt sound very good. mayb u shud like disconnect the internet when u dont want her on msn and only enable it wen u want. just an idea. hope u get it fixed 
You have the intellect comparable to that of a rock. Be proud.
09-08-2005 08:38 AM |
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RE: Limiting access for kids
Look what about using something like used in internetcafe ?! use NET TIME client ,once u install it, u will get a standby screen so, u can use an admin pass and put a countdown time like 1 HOur, so after one hour , the Client program close everything and go back the the standby screen !!
dont install the server, just the client
hope this works for u
09-08-2005 08:49 AM |
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RE: Limiting access for kids
Or you could just watch her while she's on the Net.
09-08-2005 09:07 AM |
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RE: Limiting access for kids
install xpcspy , and this will provide u screen shots, and password logger, and history sites, and all visited links ! etc ...
also can send everyhting to ur email !
XPCSpy is a powerful spy software that runs stealthy under MS Windows, and it's very easy to use. This spy software allows you to monitor and record all activities(include ICQ,MSN,AOL/AIM,YAHOO! Messenger chat conversation) on your pc when you leave, then you can create reports and send it to the predefined email address.
So how do you know what your staff or children are doing on computer? Are they studying, working, or playing game? This key logger spy software can tell you exactly who is doing what on the PC at any time during the day or night.
Main features:
Record all Keystrokes.
Record all Websites visited.
Record all Programs ran and directories navigated.
Record all MSN/ICQ/AOL/AIM/YAHOO! messenger chat conversations.
Record all actions on self.
Record screen snapshots automatically.
Runs invisibly in the background, and protected by password.
Schedule monitor process, set time to start or stop monitoring.
Create text or html logs reports.
Send log reports via email.
Support Windows XP UI theme.
Enable hide absolutely under Windows9X/ME and self protect under WindowsNT/2K/XP.
XPCSpy 2.01 was released on Feb 14, 2003. The current version will run on Windows 98, Me, 2000, NT, XP. Additional system requirements for XPCSpy include ie5 or later.
XPCSpy is a shareware. You will be able to use the evaluation version available for download during a limited period, after what you will have to buy the full version to continue to use XPCSpy.
This post was edited on 09-08-2005 at 09:42 AM by zaher1988.
09-08-2005 09:26 AM |
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RE: Limiting access for kids
Hi, packagedeal - you may want to check out McAfee - Privacy Service - it allows you to limit where and when your child can go on the internet, it also monitors and logs what they do. It also says it monitors chat sessions, but I am unsure as to whether it logs them too.
They have a 30-day free trial which you can download.
I'm sure there are other programs, and other solutions, but I think this is probably the easiest and most hassle-free.
Regarding msgplus, I assumed that it could not be installed under a limited account. Am I mistaken here?
09-08-2005 12:11 PM |
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O.P. RE: Limiting access for kids
many thanks for taking the time to respond.....some great suggestions....yes can disconnect and throw computer out window, but mothers get busy with other kids and all get sidetracked.....also don't have time to sit while they are supposed to be doing homework etc.......
Some great suggestions for MsgPlus downloading on limited account about the check myself....
Also must not have had latest version...have just downloaded again after leaving thread and have discovered an administrator password in the preferences under privacy> could be the short term fix....apparently it passwords the whole MsgPlus preferences can't be changed when locked which would stop this girl from unlogging chats etc...
But will investigate all suggestion....will keep watching many thanks again to all
09-08-2005 12:29 PM |
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RE: Limiting access for kids
The Preferences lockdown is done on a per-Passport basis, which means you'd have to set the password yourself. Also, you may want to keep an eye out for certain plugins and utilities that can remove this password (in fact, my own plugin, Phoenix, can do this).
09-08-2005 12:51 PM |
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RE: Limiting access for kids
Okay, I understand what you want, as far as i know there is not much you can do other than some parental control. Try moving the PC to a family room, and set times when she can and cannot use the PC, for example, you might not want her to use it after 10PM. If she would get up and use it afterwards, explain to her if she does it again, she'll lose her right to go on it the next night etc. If all else fails, take the power cable to bed.
09-08-2005 01:20 PM |
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RE: Limiting access for kids
Uninstall MSN and Plus! And set a redirect in the host file for the messegenger msn site and for Plus! downloads
09-08-2005 04:08 PM |
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