Not only that... Even a guy who just woke up and still needs to adopt his blurry vision to the daylight can see that the whole site is a plain copy of MSN's concept...
And that includes EVERYTHING you find on the site, including to so called passport stuff
(which I VERY highly doubt is even a legit "Passport". And in case it is, it can't be called Buzzen Passport but must be called, referred and linked to the official Passport site), chat stuff, heck even the members profiles, search possebilities and what not....
Originally posted by
Well lets see if you can put your money where your mouth is
If you can show me 1 thing ripped from MSN on the website OR show me 1 Law that is breaking I will donate $100 USD to MSGPlus.
The whole site and the service of Buzzen is a plain rip-off of MSN Chat and MSN Members and even portraying that it is something new is false as it uses MSN chat anyways.
If you don't call the whole Buzzen thing a ripoff then I don't know what you understand about ripping. A blind man could see that the site is identical to MSN's.
Originally posted by
But if you fail to prove the trash that pours from your mouth you have to donate $100 USD to
When you are man enough to back up your big mouth I look forward to seeing your reply
1) Nice way of giving a face to Buzzen by flaming and insulting me. It fits nicely in the rip-off concept of Buzzen....
2) I will never donate anything to something like that. Heck I even don't want to recieve a single cent from a service like that....