Hi guys, im so pleased i finaly got around the SendKeys and WM_Char, KeyDown issue with char &H12 (aka notify char)
My plugin still has a few bugs and is v limited for features but it does work!
its a shared web browser, both users need to go /xgoto and it will open the window.
Clear your chat field as it will add some unwanted text (thats a focus bug)
and from then on click your links as you like
I am posting it here because as i said is not finished, i will send to the plugin peeps when its 100% Note: you need flash player 8 (it uses flash 8 for the interface) DL here: macromedia.com/go/flashplayer
Ill release the source when its done too
Sorry if anybody wants to know how i got around the char &H12 issue i set it to the clipboard and sendkeys ctrl + v