Hey guys, I'm really sorry of asking another C++ question, but I'm a newbie and need some help from you! For homework, I have to make a Solitaire. I finished, but know I would like to implement Drag and Drop.
I have read a lot of examples in the Internet and Google it, but I only found VB and C# examples. I adapt two and got this C++ code which didn't work:
private: System::Void pictureBox1_MouseDown(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::MouseEventArgs^ e) {
this->pictureBox2->AllowDrop = true;
this->pictureBox1->DoDragDrop(this->pictureBox1->Image, DragDropEffects::Copy);
private: System::Void pictureBox2_DragEnter(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::DragEventArgs^ e) {
if (e->Data->GetDataPresent(DataFormats::Bitmap))
e->Effect = DragDropEffects::Copy;
e->Effect = DragDropEffects::None;
private: System::Void pictureBox2_DragDrop(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::DragEventArgs^ e) {
this->pictureBox2->Image = (Image^)e->Data->GetData(DataFormats::Bitmap);
pictureBox1 is the Source pictureBox and pictureBox2 is the Destination pictureBox.
Maybe you could point me out errros, or give me some places to search, and Thanks again.
edit: missing "= true" it works, but I should need better documentations to finish the drag and drop for the solitaire