Originally posted by linx05
What happens to the other person who doesn't use this program?
He/she will get the OUT message, close the connection for you. Am I right?
Actually, I don't think so, because, the filter I made blocks the OUT messages from being sent, so the other contact, never receives the OUT message...
However, I think that there is a big problem...
I turned this filter on, and then went to BOT2K3's tribunal game.
I left the conversation, and BOT2K3 messaged me again with the other message that was received.
That was actually normal, because BOT2K3 did not receive the OUT message.
But then, it seemed that BOT2K3 did not receive any of my messages...
I think that it was because, msn thought that it sent the OUT message, so when BOT2K3 talked to me, msn tried to establish a new connection, but it couldn't because, there was another connection established.
So, msn was trying to send the message, but it couldn't because it didn't found an established connection (it actually thought that it closed the other one...), so, the message couldn't be sent...
I dont know if the filter caused this, or it just happened then, but you better check it out