It's really much more easier to have a page with a list of threads where answers have been given since your obsence; and i don't want y mailbox full of emails; as it is so much easier to just click that button
Now i don't really know exacly on what topics i have posted on yesterday. That problem should disappear
Note that the function is already here... it's just whether there should be a short link to it or not, and in my opinion YES because you don't know how easy and useful that future is - i compare with another forum i'm active on...
EDIT: @WDZ 'blah link blah' could be something in the style of: "show answers on my posts since my last visit" ... i think that is short & clear enough.
Originally posted by John Anderton
What if you made 2 - 3 new threads ???
The function lists the threads where messages have been posted after your posts, (since you last went offline) and if you made new threads and there is also answerred on, then those new threads should be in the list to...