Webbulle isn't really the same. That's a rss reader, indeed, but not fully integrated to the environment.
The reason why I maked rssplug a Messenger plus plugin rather than a stand-alone application, is that this way the plugin is loaded only when you are connected to internet (I don't know anyone who use msn messenger offline), and use very few ram (Webbulle use more than 16 Mb). After installation, Rssplug do everything to be forgetted : no start menu folder, no desktop icon, not even an icon in the taskbar. The only times when you remember that you are using Rssplug is when a news is displayed, or when you want to add a new rss feed.
I don't know why you use this plugin rather than any other application, but I created it and I use it because I don't know any other free rss reader that I can forget so easily.
I don't know when the previous server will be available, so you can download the plugin here :