Originally posted by MyZkO
I got it to work now i have one problem left i got the psm away but if i look at a contact right now it looks like this
Schrimp -
i want "-" this sign to get away whats the name of that one and is it in UIFILE 936 also ? how do i take that away ?
tnx for all your help so far!
hi ive recently done that. I have taken out the personal message and the "-" and also the status in the brackets.
open msnmsgr.exe with resource hacker. goto the ufile folder then to the 936 folder then open the 1033.
find: "<cmdbutton id=atom(listitemsel2) layout=borderlayout()"
Below is the code we want...
<cmdbutton id=atom(listitemsel2) layout=borderlayout() active=inactive>
<element layoutpos=left layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,0,2) active=inactive>
<emoticontext id=atom(buddyname) background=argb(0,0,0,0) active=inactive/>
<element id=atom(buddystatus) background=argb(0,0,0,0) active=inactive/>
<element layoutpos=left id=atom(idPSM) layout=borderlayout()>
<element id=atom(idPSMIcon) content=rcstr(329)/>
<element layoutpos=client layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,0,2) active=inactive>
<emoticontext id=atom(idPSMText) background=argb(0,0,0,0) active=inactive/>
<element layoutpos=left id=atom(idCurrentSong) layout=borderlayout() visible=false active=inactive>
<png id=atom(idSongIcon) active=inactive/>
<urlelem id=atom(idSongText) layoutpos=left cmdid=2339 showampersand=false/>
to get rid of the full personal message text then delete these lines:
<element layoutpos=left id=atom(idPSM) layout=borderlayout()>
<element id=atom(idPSMIcon) content=rcstr(329)/>
<element layoutpos=client layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,0,2) active=inactive>
<emoticontext id=atom(idPSMText) background=argb(0,0,0,0) active=inactive/>
to get rid of the status (away, out to lunch etc) remove these lines:
<element id=atom(buddystatus) background=argb(0,0,0,0) active=inactive/>
to also get rid of the current song playing which is the same as the personal messages remove these lines:
<element layoutpos=left id=atom(idCurrentSong) layout=borderlayout() visible=false active=inactive>
<png id=atom(idSongIcon) active=inactive/>
<urlelem id=atom(idSongText) layoutpos=left cmdid=2339 showampersand=false/>
Once you have done this click the compile script button then goto file > save. make sure msn messenger is not running.
This is the best way to get rid of the personal message.
You get any trouble or you need any help in mod'ing msn the feel free to add me... leachy_ov_ashton@hotmail.com
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