Originally posted by dizzy
This site looks vast, I completed a quick search and didn’t find my answer so apologies if I didn’t look hard enough.
No worries, you searched, that's major goody good
1) the contact information panel does not show when your contact has had his last chat or whatever. It shows when
you had a last chat with that contact.
So there is no privacy issue here what-so-ever.
There is no way that you can know what your contact did or when he chatted for the last time and with whom.
see also:
contact info
contact information
"last conversation" in msn-plus
Contact Information Help
some questions for a beginner at PLUS
etc... etc...
2) No, it is impossible to hack into chats, unless you are running a piece of malware which the hacker has made you run or whatever and which leaves some backdoors open on your computer.
(note: never download software from unofficial sites; never run programs you've recieved from contacts, unless you expected the contact to send you something).
If there was a way to hack into chats, it would have been known already during all these years (and probably be fixed).
3) Even if you don't block someone, contacts can not know what you are doing on msn, nor can they know with whom you're chatting with.
The only thing they could know, when you did not block them, is when you changed status, that is absolutely all.
If you did block a contact
(and selected, in your messenger preferences, the option that "only people on my allow list can see my status and can send me messages") then the contact can't even know your real status, ever! (
block-checkers do not work).