Interview with Phil Holden
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Phil Holden says, that the code is already ready and works and the completion goes release.
And he says, that in this year, an update from WLM comes again and than, in this update is include the new communicate with Y!M.
There is already prospect within this range on a functioning voice communication between Yahoo! - and MSN USern?
P. Holden:
For the start this is not planned, looks themselves one however the two enterprises, will on clearly that we want to co-operate as much as possible, we must however first the bases for it create. The voice communication between MSN and Yahoo! probably yet in the first final expenditure of the Windows live measuringclose will not be contained. It possibly follows with a later update. We hope to update the new services within in each case one quarter.
Thus are more frequently new versions of the Windows live measuringclose to be expected?
P. Holden:
We try to accelerate generally the development. It is to be made too early somewhat around over it statements about it. You should not surprise you however, if there is a new expenditure to see still in this year.