this sounds quite sad but this is driving me absolutely crazy!
i cannot see peoples display pictures, and they cannot see mine. all i can see as their dp is the default msn man and vice versa.
ive tried using 7.0, 7.5 and am currently on windows live.
ive also deleted everthing in
"C:\Documents and Settings\Miles\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Messenger" to try and reset all the settings
im using zone alarms firewall and have allowed the program full internet access.
ive also used a registry cleaner which removed 'problems' but did not solve the msn display pic problems
recently i deleted "C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs" as i read they were safe to delete (there was about 5gb of msn messenger logs?)
ive gone into msn options>general and ticked "show display pictures from others"
ive run out of things to try
any ideas?
*edit i forgot to mention - i cant see peoples personal messages either anymore. (the bit in italic after their actual name)