That might be a use for it, but that does not mean that such notifiers actually work as in: "they still do what they are suspose to be doing"... because they don't.
This is the same old story as with the so called "block checkers". Block checkers do not work either (as everybody knows by now... I hope
), but they can be 'used' for checking if there is a
chance that someone is online (you will never know for certain as a contact may be online while the "block checkers" report he is not).
And for all those others in this thread... Do some research instead of "debating" about this. All this stuff I've said is already known since MSN Messenger 7.0 was released a few years ago. Many threads have been posted about it, and not only on this Plus! forum, but on every other Messenger related forum in existance (almost). So, please go search and read them first.
Start here:
Which includes posts of the creator of StuffPlug, posts of the creator of Messenger Plus!, posts of people who know the messenger protocol inside-out and other people who know what they are talking about....
I know I sound very harsh in this thread, but if it has to be repeated 5641564164 times that something does not work like you think it works, it gets very frustrating. Again, this is not my 'opinion', it is a fact, it is how the messenger protocol works, accept it....
Originally posted by djnerve
yea i cant see how its possible now until their is a event for if the contact closes the chat.
such an event will unfortunatly never be added because of all the reasons I've said.