you can turn them off by sending a new command that doesn't include the old one, for example PortOut(888,8) will turn on led (or radio

) 3 (2^3=8).
If you want to turn it off you just send PortOut(888,0) or anything where 8 is not included...
I hope you understand.
I also made the script and it works so i can now control my lpt1 port with messenger plus! live scripts..
The things i've coded are just for led's flashing, i havn't put anything on to turn it on or off.
But i can code it to turn on a pin on an event...
This is what i've made
+On opening convo; flashing pin 1 and 8
-stops on closing convo or when you type something
+On recieving message 'walk' (so someone sends you message walk) it will turn on pin 1, then 2, then 3, etc, and starts over; a walking light..
I'm waiting till the program is released to make a descent window to config it:
So I'm sorry you have to wait

if it's taking to long i will release something this week...
Perhaps some people could submit a feature that they would like to see, or to turn on a relay on a new event....
Greetz Themuzz