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The open/closed window notifier feature
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Alright, thank god this thread is finally turning into a smart discussion. CookiesRevised thanks for those links, I'm looking through them. I have this program, which works with MSN Messenger 7.5 (not 100%) though.

It was a plug-in for Msg Plus! so what I want to ask is, if this program can be redone for Windows Live Messenger? Is their a possibility?

I know the guy who wrote this program probably isn't even available now, so I'm guessing someone else with the experience or knowledge would have to make something similar to this. But this was one of the best plug-in's in the past.

Again, thanks for the help.

And to everyone else that might mistaken this, these plug-in's DO NOT WORK 100% USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Please UNDERSTAND that. Thank you.

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06-27-2006 01:50 AM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
So let's get this straight, the whole thread has been a flamewar because when people said notifiers work, they actually meant that they will always get a notification if someone opens or closes the chat window, ignoring the fact that you may get incorrect ones too. And CookieRevised believed that when people said it worked, they meant that it was always 100% accurate?

Human communication sucks.

* segosa blames English.
The previous sentence is false. The following sentence is true.
06-27-2006 07:21 AM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Originally posted by segosa
So let's get this straight, the whole thread has been a flamewar because when people said notifiers work, they actually meant that they will always get a notification if someone opens or closes the chat window, ignoring the fact that you may get incorrect ones too.
yes, hence why I say they actually do not work for what they are used for by most people.

Originally posted by segosa
And CookieRevised believed that when people said it worked, they meant that it was always 100% accurate?
yes and no. The problem is all those people (and that's the majority) who reading this thread and downloading such programs thinking "cool, I can see when my contact doesn't want to talk with me, etc" and thus not having the proper knowledge to use such program... This is exactly the same as what has happened with those block checkers all over again...

And since this is a support forum, information on here should at least be accurate as you never know who will read threads, etc.

I even bet that some people who claim to know that such notifiers will give false notifs, don't know what stuff can cause such notifs or why they give those notifs and often mistakenly interpret them. Proof of this can be found in old threads, similar to this one, on the forum.

I don't rant about it because I want to be right all the time... I rant about it because I am concearned for those people who might read threads like this and misinterpret was has been said or in what context such notifiers can be used.

It is us helpers who, after all the damage/confusions/misinterpretation, always need to correct things and explain why things don't work. And people simply read what they want to read and don't even read already posted stuff, proof: look at the forums these days.

Originally posted by segosa

Human communication sucks.

* segosa blames English.
Let's starts talk in Dutch :P


jin11: try not to attach exe files directly when there are download pages or threads about them (which always can have important info you need to read first).

There are also many many other disadvantages of directly attaching files. To only name one: people will have no idea where the support page/thread is, they will miss the 'important info' which have might been posted, etc ..and then they will start making threads about them all over the place.

Never do it unless you have absolutely no other choice; always link to the download pages instead.

Originally posted by CookieRevised
4) A plugin for Messenger Plus! ("OpenConvo" by Wouter) (I):
Most configurable notifier of all.

Old version: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/attachment.php?pid=219848
(Place the EXE and DLL files in your plugins directory, register the DLL and run install.reg)

New version: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=28166
(Run the installer)
Read the thread also.

This post was edited on 06-27-2006 at 07:55 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-27-2006 07:44 AM
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RE: RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Originally posted by upsfeup
One thing I noticed though. I added Billy Bones (Microsoft Game for messenger) and when I open his window, he speaks. Not always of course! So.. is microsoft using a Open Window notifier that has something extra that we don't have access?

I have the MSN IM Apps bot in my contacts, this one ALWAYS says "Hi there" after I open a convo with him.

Maybe that is because he doesn't have a DP, wouldn't disabling your DP give a much more accurate window opener notifier?
[Image: DeLaVega.png]
06-27-2006 09:42 AM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Billy Bones has a DP.
I heard that theory before but is was also inconclusive. I suspect that request is made anyway but with a reply of "NO DP". In login that information migh be send.. but eventualy it has to ask again as it might be updated.

I'll search for the protocol. version 14 right?
06-27-2006 12:24 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
After having a nice laugh I just want to say one thing. If someone does create a script/plugin which warns the user when a conversation to them has been opened or closed, can you please add a little dialog describing the problems accompanied with it when it is installed.

Nothing too long. Just mention "it is not reliable etc, here are some dot points and a link telling you why". As a moderator on the StuffPlug forum, I am still seeing people reporting the 'errors' in these two features being reported in the bug tracker and other forums.

Very annoying. Which is why we've stopped all posting regarding it.
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Scripts I want to get made:
Taskbar icon to change when contact is typing
06-27-2006 01:09 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Im gonna try to help Cookie out a bit

Originally posted by al2002
Ok mate calm down...lighten up a bit.

But no need to shout at us because it clearly does work! As other people have stated, it is correct most of the time! I have even discovered this by asking people if they just opened a conversation window with me after seeing a notification - 9 times out of 10 they will say "yes!"
Originally posted by djnerve
stuffplug worked almost bang on every time for me so yes it does work. if you think it doesnt thats you're opinion but if you say its 50%50% then it stillw orks don't it. so if it worked with stuff plug surely someonme can script it
Originally posted by Antz
It worked for me no problem. Some of the 'bla bla has closed the conversation window' messages were wrong (it disconnects conversations every so often).

So it CAN work but not always. My friends also have no bother with it.

If it doesn't work, explain how my friends ALWAYS know when I open a window?

It works at start but in the end it doesnt.

Let me give you a example:

You are in one room blindfolded and behind you is a crappy PC and a radio hooked up to the same speaker. Imagine that the radio and the PC (internet radio) is hooked up to 95.3 FM . Do you think you could tell if it was the radio or the PC giving the signal if it was hooked up to the same low quality speaker? I think not.

Thats how reliable open-convo notifers are.

Originally posted by al2002
And your points stop someone making a script for this feature because......?
Why would you want a PC with no sound card, no graphics card, no motherboard, no RAM, no processor, no HDD, no optical unit, no floppy, no case, and no PSU?

Originally posted by Jellings
I'd use one, i wouldn't really care if it wasn't 100% accurate, even if it's only 50% accurate that's better than nothing. i'd make one for ya if i knew how, unfortunatly i don't know how.

@cookierevised: you opinion is not law, this topic should have never been closed, stop shouting and calm down, you're acting like my sister when she doesn't get her own way - someone might want to make a notifier for the 50% change of it working..
Originally posted by djnerve
i wounder if patchou would ever add it for us[Image: bananasex.gif]

Read my reply to al2002.

If you really want something that doesnt work, make it yourself. Im sure if you research and learn about Messenger, you could make it yourself.

Originally posted by cloudhunter
djnerve: Probably not.

It WOULD be possible to do this, but it would require a DLL which hooks onto WLM and then a script which calls functions from the DLL, AKA, a wrapper script, because the scripting syster doesn't have access to the protocol information.

Until someone, (if they ever do) makes it, MessengerDiscovery Live has this feature.

I have theories on ways a notifier can be done (I havent read 100% the scripting doc though) but If several times throughout this thread its been said that it doesnt work IT DOESNT WORK

This is basically a head/tails coin thing people. It doesnt work. Your gonna have to wait for protocol 15 or something (which I doubt it will work there but hey....since you people dont accept FACTS youll believe anything)

This post was edited on 06-27-2006 at 01:16 PM by riahc4.
06-27-2006 01:12 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
reread the thread. you'll see its now accepted that it does work well enough for most people to be happy and should come with a disclaimer.

if you are in an aeroplane, and it tells you you're too close to the ground, but you know it gives that message if ur too close to ground, but also if a rain cloud is under you and you cant see, do you pull up anyway? yes. cos its possible it is you being too close to the ground. if its you close to a cloud, doesn't matter.

and i mean that example in free airspace. so no danger of pulling up by accident in a false message. :)

point is, it does send out a message if a window is opened with you. its not as bad as you make it sound. like a PC with nothing in it.
it works, but it also gives u the messages for any connection made to ur contacts.
that's all these people want. they know that, and are happy with that bit or unreliability.

new FACT we all accept now, is that it technically does work, but is unreliable to the point that no one thinks it should be released without some warning.
06-27-2006 01:28 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Don't aeroplanes have altitude monitors anyways :P
06-27-2006 01:50 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Originally posted by Jiggs
reread the thread. you'll see its now accepted that it does work well enough for most people to be happy and should come with a disclaimer.
It doesnt work well enough because people will then complain that it doesnt work.

Originally posted by Jiggs

new FACT we all accept now, is that it technically does work, but is unreliable to the point that no one thinks it should be released.
Period. Thats where you needed to end you sentence.

I know no developer (with a life) is going to make this so start learning programming yourself.
06-27-2006 02:02 PM
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