Originally posted by Domsy
Originally posted by CookieRevised
1) Changing passwords will not change the used encryption method.
2) Changing the encryption method will only be good for setting the encryption for new logs.
3) To re-encrypt (or to decrypt) you need, for now, to use the command line parameters of the MPTools.exe tool in your Plus! directory.
Type "Log Viewer.exe" /? to bring up a box with possible parameters.
PS: remember to put strings which contain spaces between quotes. eg:
"c:\plus!\log viewer.exe" /decrypt="c:\my logs\contact1@hotmail.com.ple" /pwd="my password"
Thanks, but is this necessary now that it's already made another log?
Entirly depends on what you want... If you're satisfied with the second log, then that's good...
If you want to re-encrypt both logs (with the 384 key length) and concatenate them together so you only have 1 log, you need to use the commad line parameters.
But also, my reply was to those who said you can't re-encrypt files or decrypt them or whatever.
Originally posted by Domsy
The log with (2) in the filename seems to open fast, although I'm not completely sure if that's due to it being a new log and not having much data in it.
Probably both.... The new log will now be encrypted with the 384 key as changing the encryption key length will have no influence on existing logs, only on newly created logs. The 384 key is way faster than the 2048 key. Also, because it contains less data it can be decrypted faster.