Originally posted by tacos_burritos
I also won't upgrade to WML without this feature, and everything else about it is just so good. And yes I don't care if it isn't reliable, I also can tell when it is being right or not from experience.
Liking the last line mate

i totalyl agree i can tell most of the time when obth the notifiers are true of what they say
Also ive been wanting to comment ALL OF THE TIME on every single post almost that i've read of yours cookies, but also i skippedl ike 8 pages because im not one to read every single post on a thread, just alot of them

hehe.... erm but i won't get angry with you as i believe that at first you were saying stuff thats evil to people who don't understand that its not FULYL 100% reliable... okay yes i can see when someone closes the window (in 7.5 it times out exactly at one minute if the other person (your contact) spoke last, otherwise it doesn't time out for me, and so doesn't display the message) - I can simply check my chat log to see if it was a false notification or not.
Now, about the open notifiers (as closed are alot MORe reliable in comparison) ... the open notifiers.... okay so yes we get it when someone gets ure dp info etc.. but what we do know,, is that when someone does idneed actualyl open your window it DEFINITELY gives you a notification, without fail....
I _NEVER_ get a message from someone without first having the pop-up of a window being opened... These features are still helpful to m
back to the closed notifier which I like the most, okay so you can see if someoen closes the window because if you say something and it says they cloesd the window, they DID close the window, so thats all good!

- theres only 2 thigns i know of where it can go wrong, the time out, which ive already explained/talked about, and if you've just finished a video conversation/Multiple activities, where it may show that they closed the window when they infact didmn't (or perhaps did i haven't looked into this part enough)
But anyway, Yes thats great stuff, i just want to see the closed feature in the very near future, with some program other, if inew what to do i would have a go - as i have some knowledge in VB6 - and have compiler

And if you're reading this Cookie, it would be great if i could get a reply from you ^_^ ....