Originally posted by deAd
I would've guessed that it went 1,2,3,4 (or 0,1,2,3)
Before you can use Datablocs you should understand the amount of memory that needs to be allocated for each variable type.
Too lazy to type it all out so here is what Choli posted in the beta forum.
Originally posted by Choli
Long: 4
Integer: 2
Byte: 1
String: 4 (you need to create another datablock and in these 4 byte you write the pointer to the datablock)
String * n: 2*n (unicode) (n if ansi, i don't suggest using ansi)
Enum: 4
Boolean: 2
Double: 8
Single: 4
Variant: 16 (i don't think you'll ever use this)