This is the relase 1.0 for a plugin (script) to make popups (toasts) whit the new msn Messenger live, and Messenger Plus! Live.
The plugin name is Toaster MPL it has this options:
1.- The nomber of popups (1-9)
2.- The time between each popup (1-9) Sec's,
3.- Change your name when the toasted (popups) start
4.- Restore your name when the toasts (popups) finish
5.- Change your messenger status when toasts(popups) finis
You can download from:
Toaster MPL
If you nead some spanis info you can get her:
Ayuda en espaņol
For configure hoy have to put the plus live comand /Toaster-Config in a chat window
To start your Toasts (popups) put a plus live command