Or you could ask the person who wrote it to put in boxes for putting in other words/sentences and replies.
To have a look at the coding install the script then go to Plus > Preferences > Scripts..select the autohey one and click "edit" button (remember aslong as you don't tell it to save nothin will happen to it..and you'll always have the original plsc to reinstall if need be).
Edit: i had a lil mess about in the script myself to test....
var hi = 'Hi :)'
var bye = 'laters :wave:'
var on = '1'
i changed the var on hi (wich is what will be answered) and added a var for bye...next:
function OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage(ChatWnd,Origin, Message, MessageKind)
if (on == '1'){
if (Origin != Messenger.MyName){
if (Message.match(/(^|\s+)(\*)?hello(d|s)?(\*)?($|\s+)/i)!=null)
Those lines set what it should answer on...so to that i added (after the list of hi and before the closing }
if (Message.match(/(^|\s+)(\*)?bye(d|s)?(\*)?($|\s+)/i)!=null)
if (Message.match(/(^|\s+)(\*)?laters(d|s)?(\*)?($|\s+)/i)!=null)
if (Message.match(/(^|\s+)(\*)?cya(d|s)?(\*)?($|\s+)/i)!=null)
if (Message.match(/(^|\s+)(\*)?cu(d|s)?(\*)?($|\s+)/i)!=null)
End result: a hey script that answers on hi and bye....
Edit 2: I'm sorry but at the moment i don't know of any better than doing it this way. Maybe a scripter finds him/herself challenged to code a full autoresponder script (bot?) with windows to put in sentence and reply to sentence (like a Q and A).