I wrote my own script to change the nick every second so that the nick scrolls from the left to the right with dots left and right of it (like "ping-pong" with the nick).
However, after some time I get an error message "
Your display name could not be changed." (translated from german), although the nick is changed.
Has the Messenger something like a filter for nickname-changing so that it cannot be changed every second?
If I have an error in the code, here it is:
var curPos = 0;
var text = "bran";
var fullsize = 10;
var spacer = ".";
var inc;
// Run "Ping-Pong"
function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart) {
MsgPlus.AddTimer("pingpong", 1000);
function OnEvent_Timer(timerID) {
if(timerID == "pingpong") {
// building the string
var str = "";
for(var i = 0; i < pos; i++) {
str += spacer;
str += text;
for(var i = pos + text.length; i < fullsize; i++) {
str += spacer;
// when at the end, turn and "go back"
if(curPos == fullsize-1 && inc == 1)
inc = -1;
// turn forward again
if(curPos == 0 && inc == -1)
inc = 1;
// increment/decrement curPos
curPos += inc;
// set new Nick
Messenger.MyName = str;
// keep the loop running
MsgPlus.AddTimer("pingpong", 1000);
Please help me!