Current version:
This script shows the local time of the contact in the chatwindow
If you live in the UK, and a friend lives in the States, you have about 8 hours time difference. And it's really difficult to remember if you have lots of contacts with all different timezones..
- Customizable position and time format
- Multiline support OR color and format tags support
- Tabbed chats support
- Debug
- Auto Update
If no parameters are specified the given property is reset, except for Left and Bottom, these properties have no standard value.
[optional: Email] <TimeDiff>
Change the Time difference given to a specific contact
changes the time format to the specific mask
(h:mm a is the standard AM/PM)
If true, the timer is shown even when there is not time difference
If true, it fixes the top position when the contact uses emoticons in his name and/or psm
If true, it fixes the top or left position when using tabs
Starts or stops the debug Traces
Starts or stops the debug Traces fired in OnEvent_Timer
(Doesn't show in the commands list)
Shows or Hides the debug window
(Doesn't show in the commands list)
JScript code
Evaluates the given code, and traces the result
For checking properties, or changing them
Playing with this can cause the script to be unstable.
Only use when asked to by me, or for your own risk
These commands change the size and position of the timer
If you change the Right position, the Left position is discarded
and the Timer locks at the given position to the right side of the conversation window
This resets all settings, except for the Debug and AutoUpdate settings
*) When changing the timezone of the contact, please note the difference between the different possible formats: -0,5 / -00.50 / -00:30 all indicate half an hour difference (earlier). When using a sot or a comma, the numbers after it are considered decimals of the hours, when using the semicolon, it is considered as minutes
At the moment you can change the
Time difference for each contact, not the Timezone, this will be changed later on...
No support for daylight savingtime (can be changed manually)
Known bugs:
if you find a bug
Always check if you are using the latest version. If you are using the latest version, please add the bug here or contact me on WLM
Specify when it occured, what happened/didn't happen, and also include the Debug report
- Implement Timezone support (instead of Time difference)
- Implement Daylight Saving time
- Add GUI
- and more
Really big thanks to Jay_Jay, for testing my script and help me fix the 'no-send' bug
And thanks to Cookie
Please give comments to what you would see added, or when something is wrong, please post (or mail) the Debug report
You can contact me at